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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Optimization of Hunting Wavelength Expansion Coefficient for High-Speed Railway Maintenance and Safety: A Genetic Algorithm Approach
Authors 홍석범(Seok-Bum Hong) ; 엄기영(Gi-Young Eum) ; 김자연(Ja-Yeon Kim) ; 임정현(Jeong-Hyeon Lim)
Page pp.1-10
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 고속철도; 사행동; 파장; 사고 리스크 함수; 유전 알고리즘 High-speed railway; Hunting motion; Wavelength; Risk function; Genetic algorithm
Abstract This study aims to optimize the wavelength expansion coefficient (C) using a genetic algorithm to minimize hunting motion in high-speed railways. Hunting motion, characterized by lateral oscillations during high-speed travel, was controlled by deriving an optimal C value. By considering train speed, wheel radius, and curve radius, a hunting motion-related accident risk function was constructed. The genetic algorithm determined an optimized C of 0.54, resulting in an 84.57% accident risk reduction compared to C=0 and a 79.35% reduction compared to C=1. Monte Carlo simulations further confirmed that the optimized C reduced accident risk by 82.25% compared to C=0, 15.44% compared to C=0.5, and 8.36% compared to C=1. These results highlight that excessive wavelength expansion may increase accident risk, underscoring the importance of balancing hunting suppression and accident risk minimization for improving railway operational stability.