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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
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Choi, J.-H., Jang, S.-Y., You, S.-W., Kim, D.-Y., and Kim, H.-J. (2024), Evaluation of Maintenance Quantity and Life Cycle Costs of Railway Track Considering Evolution of Rail Fatigue Damage and Ballast Settlement According to Track Quality Level, Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection, 28(4), 37-47 (in Korean).DOI
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Jeong, C.-H., Cho, K.-H., and Shin, J.-R. (2023), Dynamic Responses of Steel-Arch Railway Bridge due to Snake Motion of Urban Railway Vehicles. Journal of the Korea Academia Industrial Cooperation Society, 24(8), 436-444 (in Korean).URL
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Kritikakos, K., Fassois, S. D., and Sakellariou, J. S. (2024), On the problem of on-board risk assessment for railway hunting: An exploratory study. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 58(4), 144-149.DOI
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Liang, J., Sun, J., Jiang, Y., Pan, W., and Jiao, W. (2024), Advances and Challenges in the Hunting Instability Diagnosis of High-Speed Trains, Sensors, 24(17), 5719.DOI
Ning, J., Hong, Z., Ning, Y., Wen, S., Zhao, J., and Chen, C. (2023), Detection of Small-Amplitude Hunting Motion in High-Speed Trains Under Extreme Data Imbalance, International conference on the Efficiency and Performance Engineering Network.DOI
Oh, S.-T., and Lee, D.-J. (2014), A Dynamic Analysis of Rotations at the Center of Vehicle Running High Speed KTX Train on the PSC Box Bridges, Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection, 18(1), 59-67 (in Korean).DOI
Wang, X., Liu, B., Di Gialleonardo, E., Kovacic, I., and Bruni, S. (2022), Application of semi-active yaw dampers for the improvement of the stability of high-speed rail vehicles: mathematical models and numerical simulation, Vehicle System Dynamics, 60(8), 2608-2635.DOI
Yan, Y., Zeng, J., Huang, C., and Zhang, T. (2019), Bifurcation analysis of railway bogie with yaw damper. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 89, 1185-1199.DOI
Yoon, B.-H., Kim, M.-C., Bae, Y.-H., and Park, Y.-G. (2020), Study on the Optimization of Gauge Expansion for Improvement of Running Performance of High-speed Railway Turnouts, Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, 23(12), 1196-1205 (in Korean).DOI
Zeng, X.-H., Lai, J., and Wu, H. (2018), Hunting stability of high-speed railway vehicles under steady aerodynamic loads, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 18(07), 1850093.DOI