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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)


(2011), A Study on the Physical characteristics of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete appried Pressure by Containing Moisture Condition in Lightweight Aggregates, Konkuk University master thesis
(2012), Physical Properties and Durability of Light Weight Concrete by Grading and Shape of Artificial Lightweight Aggregates, The Magazine of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 28(10), 105-112.
(2010), Mix proportion and shrinkage evaluation of lightweight concrete for high strength, Konkuk University master thesis
(1995), Fracture Mechanics of Concrete
(1998), Fracture and Size Effect in Concrete and Other Quasi brittle Materials
(1991), Correlation of fracture process zone and tensions of tening behavior in concrete, Cement and Concrete Research, 21(4), 545-550.
(1990), ComitéEuro-International duBéon, CEB-FIP Model Code
(2010), Variation of Cracking Resistance of Self- Consolidating Concrete According to Ages, Myongji University Mix proportion and shrinkage evaluation of lightweight concrete for high strength
(2000), Flexural Behavior of Reinforced High- Strength Concrete Beams using Fly Ash Artificial Lightweight Aggregate, Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance Inspection, 12(2), 123-128.
(2004), The Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Concrete Using The Lightweight Aggregate Made with Recycled-plastic and high carbon fly ash, Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute, 16(1), 640-643.
(2009), Reinforcement Effect and Capacity of Punching Shear on Flat Plate Slab-Column Connections Using Eco Lightweight Concrete, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 25(8), 53-60.
(2003), An Experimental Study on high Strength Lightweight Concrete Using Compound Materials, Journal of The korea society of industrials application, 6(2), 115-122.
(2004), The Fractural-Mechanical Properties and Durability of lightweight Concrete Using the Synthetic lightweight Aggregate, Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute, 16(1), 19-25.
(2007), Performance Evaluation of Punching Shear on Flat Plate Slab-Column Connections Using Eco Lightweight Concrete, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 27(1), 227-230.
(2008), Effect of specimen size on fracture energy and softening curve of concrete: Part 1, Cement and Concrete Research, 38, 1049-1060.