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Rui Ding, and Xia Huang and Miner Tan and Wei Yu and Jingkun Wang and Guolin Wang and Siwen Tan, “Optimize the UFLS Implementation Scheme: Consider Reducing the Civil Load,” Panda Forum on Power and Energy, pp. 1374-1376, 2023. DOI : 10.1109/PANDAFPE57779.2023.10140542DOI
Steven De Boeck, and Dirk Van Hertem, “Under Frequency Load Shedding Schemes in Systems with High PV Penetration Impact and Improvements,” IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech, 2015.DOI
Barnabe Potel and Florent Cadoux, and Vincent Debusschere and Leticia de Alvaro Garcia, “Impact of the Periodicity of Feeder Re-Allocation on the Efficiency of Under-Frequency Load Shedding,” IEEE Milan PowerTech, 2019.DOI
LI Ye and ZHANG Baohui, and GUAN Zhe and BO Zhiqian, “Influences of the Time Delay on the Control Effect of Under-frequency Load Shedding in Power Systems,” 27th CDCC, pp. 5183-5185, 2015.DOI
Muhammad Usman, and Adil Amin and Muhammad Muneer Azam and H. Mokhils, “Optimal Under Voltage Load Shedding Scheme for a Distribution Network Using EPSO Algorithm,” ICPESG, 2018.DOI
Reilly Morrison, and Narottam Das, “Development of a Reverse Power Flow Identification and Under Frequency Load Shedding Scheme Load Anticipation Algorithm,” AUPEC2023, Sep 2023. DOI : 10.1109/AUPEC59354.2023.10502921DOI
Russell Frost and Lucas Zieland, and Dean Sharafi and Julius Susanto, “Impact of Reverse Power Flow in Distribution Feeders on Under-Frequency Load Shedding Schemes,” SGES, pp. 101-104, 2020. DOI : 10.1109/SGES51519.2020.00025DOI
Steven De Boeck, and Dirk Van Hertem, “Integration of Distributed PV in Existing and Future UFLS Schemes,” IEEE TRANSACTINS ON SMART GRID, vol. 9, no. 2, Mar 2015.DOI
Bohyun Park, and Jihun Kim, “Review of Power System Instability Cases by IBR Increasing and Analysis of Response Factors,” The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, vol. 73, no. 5, pp. 912-922, 2024.URL
Korea Power Exchange, Rules on Operating Electricity Market, 2024.URL
Byung-Kwan An, and Sung-Hyun Byun and Joon-Young Joo, “A Study on the Adjustment of Under Frequency Load Shedding Considering the Renewable Energy Connection Capacity In JeJu Power system,” KIEE Summer Conference, 2022.URL
Korea Power Exchange, “A Study on the Load Shedding Methods Based on the Under Frequency Relay,” 2008.URL
AEMO, “Power System Frequency Risk Review,” pp. 30-35, July 2022.URL
PJM, PJM Manual 36: System Restoration, pp. 14-17, 2024.URL
NERC, Recommended Approaches for UFLS Program Design with Increasing Penetrations of DERs, Dec 2021.DOI