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The Transactions P of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering

ISO Journal TitleTrans. P of KIEE
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    Korea Citation Index(KCI)


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D. Fischer, K.B. Lindberg, H. Madani, C. Wittwer, “Impact of PV, and variable prices on optimal system sizing for heat pumps and thermal storage,” Energy and Buildings, 128, pp. 723-733, 2016.DOI
C. Verhelst, F. Logist, J. Van Impe, and L. Helsen, “Study of the optimal control problem formulation for modulating air-to-water heat pumps connected to a residential floor heating system Energy and Buildings,” 45, pp. 43-53, 2012, doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2011.10.015DOI
S. Halilovic, L. Odersky, and T. Hamacher, “Integration of groundwater heat pumps into energy system optimization models,” Energy, Volume 238, Part A, 2022.DOI
H. Sadeghi, A. Ijaz, and R. M. Singh, “Current status of heat pumps in Norway and analysis of their performance and payback time,” Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Volume 54, 2022.DOI
J.M. Corberan, D.P. Finn, C.M. Montagud, F.T. Murphy, and K.C. Edwards, “A quasi-steady state mathematical model of an integrated ground source heat pump for building space control,” Energy Build., 43 (1) , pp. 82-92, 2011.DOI
P. Hein, O. Kolditz, U.-.J. Görke, A. Bucher, and H. Shao, “A numerical study on the sustainability and efficiency of borehole heat exchanger coupled ground source heat pump systems,” Appl. Therm. Eng., 100, pp. 421-433, 2016.DOI
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C. Underwood, “On the design and response of domestic ground-source heat pumps in the UK Energies,” 7 (7), pp. 4532-4553, 2014.DOI
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S.H Park and D.H Seo, “Analysis of the total energy consumption impact of window design variables by climate zone using a standard office building model,” Journal of the Korea Institute of Architectural and Eco-Friendly Facilities, 14(4), 321-337. 2020.URL
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