Title The Relationship between Elastic Critical Load and Natural Frequency of Trusses
Authors 김순철 ; 김용빈 ; 이수곤 ; 박근홍
Page pp.185-194
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The finite element method is used for the study on the relationship between elastic critical load and natural frequency of trusses. As a truss model, two cases( truss with compressive members only and with some tension members) are taken as analysis examples. The Relationship between two eigenvalues estabilished by changing the magnitude of P/Pcr. In case of trusses with compressive members only, the relationship between elastic critical loads and natural frequencies is approximately P/Pcr+(W/Wn)2=1 without regard to cross section area of members. However, in case of trusses with some tension members, the relationship shows some deviation from above equation.