Title Dynamic Response of Simple Nonlinear Structures Based on Stochastic Seismic Motion
Authors 이철호
Page pp.211-222
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Ductility demand pattern of code-designed simple structure is evaluated using stochastic seismic motion proposed in this study, and some related topic is discussed. A method is developed in the first part of this study that enable one to determine reasonably the parameters of UMRP model in consistent with site soil conditions, peak ground acceleration, and earthquake energy. The magnitude of ductility demand of code-designed structure varies with natural periods, especially large at short periods and smaller at longer periods, which means difficulty of uniform damage control. Considering the implications of similar earlier studies, this undesirable typical result could be anticipated because current code-design spectrum is obtained through period-independent deamplification of code-elastic spectrum which is determined only by PGA. When experimental data about overstrength and ductility capacity of code-designed structures as built are available through sufficient dynamic testing, more meaningful interpretation of analytical results of this study may be possible.