Title Evolving User-needs,Dsign Uniformities and Adaptation Problems in Apartment Dwellings
Authors 김수암 ; 박용환
Page pp.141-154
ISSN 12251674
Abstract There can be found no variety in the apartment plans. Only a few typical floor plans have been repeatedly used for the last three decades. The occupants of these apartments undergo adaptation problems to deal in, with constantly changing needs. This study attempts to describe the relationships of these need changes and the occupants' adaptative behavior in the context of the current rigid floor plans. A survey with observation and sketch analysis was done. The collected data were qualitatively analyzed in terms of evolving needs, current plans and user adaptations. The results indicate two things:a misfit of need and design, and minimum adaptation ability which is due to the insensitivity of the plan to varying family needs. Among a few examples of adaptations were included behavior change, changes in room use pattern, furniture move, and renovation or modification of physical design.