Title Shear Strength of Lightweight Concrete Beams
Authors 박정국 ; 박성무 ; 서수연 ; 이리형
Page pp.155-162
ISSN 12251674
Abstract It is reported that the flexural strength characteristics of lightweight concrete(L.W.C.) beams are similar that of normalweight concrete(N.W.C.) beams. On the other hand, the shear strength of L.W.C. beam is lower than that of N.W.C. beam due to the low tensile strength of concrete.6 beams were tested to failure statically, in order to investigate the shear characteristics of light-weight concrete beams. The major test parameter included a/d, longitudinal reinforcement ratio.Test results showed that the shear strengths of L.W.C. rapidly decreased as a/d increased like that of N.W.C. and that the increase of reinforcement ratio improved the shear capacity of beam but it caused serious failure in concrete.