Title The Relationship between Elastic Critical Load and Natural Frequency of Perforated Members with Intermediate Elastic Supports
Authors 김용빈 ; 김순철 ; 이수곤
Page pp.111-120
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The finite element method is used to obtain the relationship between elastic critical load and natural frequency of compression members with web openings. The numbers of web opening in a member are 1, 2, 3 or 5. These openings are equally spaced and the reduction of cross section area and that of moment inertia because of an opening are assumed to be 50 and 20% respectively.The perforated compression members are supported by classical boundary conditions at both ends and also by intermediate elastic supports.The result shows that the relationship between elastic critical load and natural frequency fo the perforated members with intermediate elastic supports can be expressed approximately by P /Pcr+(w/wm)2=1.