Title An Experimental Study to evaluate thermal performance of the wall according to the defacts of Insulation
Authors 한선희 ; 김태용 ; 오창희
Page pp.127-133
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Many studies concerning the thermal insulation in building have obtained good results that creat pleasant indoor conditions and high degree of efficient energy use. But, they have failed to notice the low efficiency of thermal insulation caused by the falsework.This study examined the over-all heat transmission according to the degrees and kinds of falsework of thermal insulation in order to deveop the basic data that can be used the evaluation of performance as well as the development of methods fo thermal insulation.The study on falsework of thermal insulation in a wall found that the high frequent fault generated in lower area of opening and vertical joint line of thermal insulation. Furthermore, coefficient of over-all heat transmission of a wall without vertical joint increased 23% than with vertical and horizontal joint.