Title A Study on the Influence of Scale Construction on the Accuracy of Measuring the Residents` Satisfaction in Post-Occupancy Evaluation
Authors 강인호 ; 박영기
Page pp.99-106
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The main purpose of this study is to testify the influence of scale construction in questionaires on measuring residents' housing satisfaction. With regard to scale construction, two questions have been argued but remained unsettle: first, it is questionable if respondents are able to offer correctly their own psychological judgements to physical environments; second, it is also questioned if, in measuring satisfaction, respondents have any tendency of so called 'positivity bias'. With regard to the former question, it was found that residents' responses were influenced by scale construction according to the characteristics of items on which residents did not have obvious judgement or serious concerns. With regard to the latter, it was found that positivity bias existed mainly due to the attributes of ordinary scale-as far as positively allocated ordinary scales were used, 'positivity bias' would always occur. To lessen these problems, three recommendations are proposed as follows:1) clarify or delete items on which respondents may have not obvious judgement; 2) use the scale construction experiment suggested in this study as pre-test method; 3) test random sampling method by two types of questionnaire-positively and negatively allocated scales.