Title An Experimental Study on High Strength Concrete for Replacement Method of Silica Fume & Fly Ash
Authors 박칠림 ; 이보근 ; 안재현 ; 권영호
Page pp.217-224
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The aim of this study is to decide the optimum replacement method when mineral Admixtures as SILICA FUME and FLY ASH are used as a part of practical use of ultra High-Strength Concrete. For this purpose, Four types of replacement methods are examined and relationship between replacement methods and concrete properties is studied.As a result, workability and gain of strength are dependent on the replacement method of mineral Admixtures. The methods of using volumn ratio of cement in FLY ASH, weight ratio of cement in SILICA FUME are shown better workability and strength of concrete than any other replacement method.