Title The Evaluation of Rotation Capacity of H-Shaped Steel Beams Considering Lateral Buckling
Authors 정성원 ; 오경환 ; 이명재 ; 김덕재
Page pp.103-110
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The objective of this study is to assess the rotational capacity of H-shaped steel beams analytically and experimentally, of which strength are dependent on the lateral buckling and to investigate the effects of rotational cpapcity of H- shaped beams considered lateral buckling in frame analysis. The moment- curvature relationships of H-shaped section are calculated and the inelastic buckling strength is evaluated by the finite difference method based on the tangent modulus theory. The rotational capacity of H-shaped beams is calculated by relating the buckling strength to moment-rotation relations of beams. Numerical analysis results are compared with test results on the loading condition of purebinding. The rotational capacity of beams is applied to frame analysis developed by plastic hinge method. And the effect of lateral buckling in ultimate strength of frame is discussed from the analysis results.