Title A Study on the Influence of the Building on Street upon Street Environment
Authors 이범재 ; 이용재
Page pp.3-14
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This study is how the building on street influences on street environments, it is focused on the usage and sign board of building that influences on street environments. The aim of this study is to propose "Design Guide Line" for the fundamental planning and design.The result of this study is as follows,1.The character of arround district which is seated in street space determines the usage of building on street influencing the character of street space, and the usage of building on street determines the number, size, and type of sign board which influence street environment and spectacular sight.2.To get better of street environments, improvement it is necessary to consider sufficiently the type of occupant industry in planning step of building.3.It should be designed, that building express the function and usage of inner space.4.We need to legal control depends on the number and size of sign board attached and established in a shop in building.