Title Study on the Effect of Joint Flexibility on the Buckling-Characteristics of Single-Layer Latticed Domes with Triangular Network
Authors 권영환 ; 최영식
Page pp.97-110
ISSN 12251674
Abstract In actual structure, it is very difficult to estimate accurately the dimension of junction's rigidity. But, in single-layer latticed domes, the conditions of junction's rigidity have a large effect on their buckling characteristics, and the reliable evaluation on them enables the structures to design rationally and beforehand, prevents from collapse of domes by lack of strength.In Ref. 1, the effect of joint flexibility on the buckling characteristics, in the cases of triangle single-layer latticed domes with rigid-joint model, was systematically analyzed as shape parameter S of single-layer latticed domes.This paper, appling directly models of Ref. 1, is to clarify the effects on the pinned-joint and intermediate joint flexibility models, which leaves much room for consideration not only in design but also in research.Analysis is undertaken by using two independent methods mentioned in Ref. 1, namely: one, shell analogy method, and the other, the frame analysis method.