Title A Study on the Process of Facility Layout of University Campus
Authors 조용준 ; 최효승
Page pp.59-70
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The results of examination and analysis of the process of facility layout on the object of 11 university campuses in Honam Region are as follows;1.The field extension type was great in the location pattern of campuses which were promoted to university before to mid-1970s and in the campuses which were promoted to university after 1990, most of them were change pattern of location. The campus areas and the size of university in the field extension type are relatively large and those in the change pattern of location are relatively small.2.Types and characteristics of facility layout are shown by location pattern of core facilities and road systems. Core facilities in national universities are mostly concentrative placement and those in private universities have scattered placement a lot. In road systems, the universities which were promoted before the mid-1970s have generally central road + ring road and those which were promoted after 1990 have mostly one side road.3.In the process of facility layout, the administrative building and educational facilities were laid out first, library and student's hall were arranged according to the increase of the number of students, and then education and research facilities and the core facility ralated to these student's welfare facilities related to community were laid out together according to the increase of university population.