Title A study on the Foreigner`s Residence in Jochiwon and Chongju from 1905 to 1945
Authors 김태영
Page pp.81-92
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Following to a study on the foreigner's residences in Jochiwon and Chongju from 1905 to 1945, this paper is to clarify the influential relation to the korean traditional house of them.While the korean traditional houses had the exclusive residential function, the foreign residences-specially Japanese wooden residences-built in the existing urban structure included other function like office, shop, lodging, etc. And so these foreigner's residences showed several types like a tenement house and multi-story.Considering the influential relation with the korean traditional house of them,a house with several wings in the layout of room, the brick structure and timber frame roof in the materials and construction, and the residential function inculding office/shop/lodging were well brought out in the korean traditional house.