Title A Study on the Japanese Architectural Engineers, Iwata, Kunieda and Watanabe employed by Korean Government in 1905-1910
Authors 김태중 ; 김순일
Page pp.103-114
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The paper focuses on three Japanese architectural engineers-Iwata, Kunieda, Watanabe-all who had an education at Dept. of Architecture of Tokyo University and came to Korea during the period of 1905 to 1910. They worked as supervisor of construction projects in various Construction Organizations under the Government of Old Korean Empire.The invasion of Japanese architectural engineers done at the the era of Old Korean Empire,is critically evaluated by reviewing the reasons of their immigration into Korea, their activities, and academic/practical careers.The results of this study con be summerized as follows;1) They didn't have any reliable jobs in Japan. The main reasons of their immingration was merely to take a job in Korea of semi-colonial status upon the initiation of Japanese overseas invasion.2) Iwata and Kunieda as earlier immigration engineers conduced overall works of design and construction. As the Construction Organization became more systematic, Iwata mainly acted as construction supervisor, and Kunieda as designer. Watnanbe, who came later, performedas professional designer and achived some notable works.3) Their rich practical experiences in Korea should have been valuable for their design activities after return toJapan.