Title A Study on the Design Characters and Meanings in Exterior Forms of Mass Detached House
Authors 정준현 ; 이중우
Page pp.67-80
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Housing reflects the important part of cultural aspects of society in connection with the value of the people. Hence, by looking at the structure and characteristics of housing, we can see and feel the sense of people in the society.The purpose is to identify the dweller's perceptive construction of mass detached housing since 1980 in Taegu area. Study findings indicated the followings:1)The differences of roof, eaves, wall closet, railing, and window of housing elements were mentioned. We also classified the roof forms into five clusters based on the respondent's degree of importance of housing elements.2)As a result of factor analysis on the visual image of housing, we could explain the aspects of uniqueness, decoration, unification, intimacy, rhythm, variation, and tradition of housing etc.3)The nature of urban housings reflects consistency and simplicity, lacking in uniqueness and symbolism of housing. Hence, the nature is understood as typified urban housing.Therefore, visual image and attribute of housing based on our feeling should be taken into account to identify the nature of housing with cultural aspects in our society.