Title A Study on Establishing Standard Term of the Frame Work in PC Apartment
Authors 양용철 ; 조병후 ; 오창희
Page pp.187-194
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Construction companies show a tendency to convert wet constrcution to Precast Concrete for the lack of construction workers and wage raise. In management practice, the information on standard term of frame work of PC apartment construction is the very first area that is systematically tackled. This is because a manager cannot plan the term of frame work accurately without proper data on which to base decision. However, construction industry studies and researchers do not emphasize this areas. Thus, there is a lack of data in construction industry regarding the term of frame work of PC apartment construction.Results are presented of a field study conducted to determine the term of frame work of PC apartment construction according to total floor area, total number of panels. Also, the regression curve is presented to plan the term of frame work identified in this study.