Title An Experimental Study on the Workability and Engineering Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete according to the Combination Condition of Recycled
Authors 김무한 ; 남상일 ; 김진만
Page pp.109-120
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The study of recycled aggregate concrete in which demolition waste is utilized to produce aggregate for new concrete, can contribute to the solution of two problems. The first is the shortage of aggregate from river, and the second is the waste disposal problem.In comparison with natural aggregate concrete, recycled aggregate concrete shows reduction in compressive strength, tensile strength, flexual strength, shear strength and increases in drying shrinkage and creep. Recycled aggregate concrete may also be less durable due to increase in porosity and permeability.Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the applicability of recycled concrete in the influence of a substitute rate of recycled sand and gravel.