Title An Experimental Study on the Diffusion of Chloride Ion in Cement Mortar
Authors 한선희 ; 임서형 ; 오창희
Page pp.131-138
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The reinforcing steel in concrete structures near the seaside easily corrode as the sea water aerosol penetrate into concrete. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analysis the properties of chloride diffusion in cement mortar, as a patr of study to examine the chloried penetration of concrete. Consequently, the chloride diffusion in cement mortar is increased rapidly at the water-cement ratio 45% or more. And the maximum size of fine aggregate is bigger, the diffusion of chloride more decrease in quantity. In the case of mortar the scope of diffusion coefficient is 5.6-70.1x10 cm /sec and could be presumed by compressive strength.