Title A Study on The Expertise of Architectural Design
Authors 이한석
Page pp.25-32
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Design experts solve complex problems considerably faster and more accurately than novices do. According to the cognitive psychology, those differences are commonplaces of everyday experience, yet only recently have we begun to understand what the expert does differently from the novice to accont for this superiority.This study is to describe the nature of the expertise in architectural design on the basis of what is known about human expert performance in many domains and a cognitive experiment carried out by the author of this paper. In particular, this research is on the design expert's knowledge and the way in which this knowledge enables a rapid and accurate problem defining and solving. This capacity is usually called 'intuition'.As a result of this study, considerable knowledge has been found to be an essential prerequisite to design expert skill. This knowledge includes sets of rich graphic chunks and schemata that have large numbers of familiar patterns. These properties of the expert's knowledge base can guide a problem's interpretation and solution. Design experts get their superiority from learning by doing in the longtime repeated practice.