Title A Study on Population Density of Metropolitan Residential Area in Korea
Authors 이주택
Page pp.33-42
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This study aims at providing a population density planning guideline which might adequately applied to future residential development projects in Korea.Since the current population density guideline does not reflect the real situation, it is difficult for the planner to plan a residential area which is comfortable and economically feasible as well.This study carries out a comparative analysis between planned and actual population desities of residential areas at Koduk, Seoul, at Yongun, Daejeon, and at Manduk, PusanIt shows that the population density of detached housing area is 1138 persons/ha at Koduk, 423 persons/ ha at Yongun, and 729 persons/ ha at Manduk and that of middle high-rise apartment area is 467 persons/ ha at Koduk, 408 persons/ ha at Yongun, 416 persons/ ha at Manduk.Then we can find that there is some difference according to several factors, that is, the scale of the housing development, the price of land, the ratio of housing supply and characteristic of city etc.This study suggest that we should calculate carefully the estimated number of household per a lot of residential land for the determination of population density.