Title An Experimental Study on the Effects of Thermal Conditions and Indoor Air Qualities for the Human Responses to Noise
Authors 김선우
Page pp.113-120
ISSN 12251674
Abstract A laboratory experiment was carried out in two identical climate chambers to investigate effects of thermal condition and indoor air quality on human response to accepted indoor noise level.In one chamber noise levels were altered, keeping thermal and air quality at a neutral level, and in the other the thermal and air quality conditions were altered, keeping noise at a background level. Sixteen subjects participated in the experiments and were asked to fill in questionnaire sheets on their preference between the two chambers. Eight levels of traffic noise were presented between 40 and 75 Leq dB(A) with a 5 dB interval. Four different levels of thermal comfort and indoor air quality corresponded to 10%, 20%, 40% and 60% dissatisfied respectively were used.