Title Learning Effect of the panel-erection work in P.C. apartment construction
Authors 양용철 ; 조병후 ; 오창희
Page pp.157-164
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Precast Concrete(P.C.) construction has gained gradual popularity in domestic housing market over the last ten years because it requires less manpower compared to the conventional Reinforced concrete constrcution. P.C. construction planning is still performed based largely on rough guessing, individual experience and made-up work data. Many belive that construction delayes in the P.C. construction projects has resulted largely from lack of basic data.The results of researches for repetitive works were reported that the learning effect occurs in them, and the panel-erection work in P.C. apartment construction is one of them. In this perspective, the study is conducted to acquire basic data on the learning effect of panel-erection work in P.C. apartment construction. The results of this study can be used in planning the duration of panel-erection work in P.C. apartment construction.