Title Residents`s Satisfaction with Height and Choice of Living Floor in High-rise Apartment
Authors 김상호 ; 김수암 ; 민병호
Page pp.21-32
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This paper represents the first part of a survey that deals with a comprehensive set of residents' responses to high-rise living. Three separate papers have been written to report this survey of high-rise apartments in and near Seoul. This paper mainly concerns residents' reaction to the building height in terms of choice and preference, followed in other publication by two other papers dealing respectively with residential life of particular user groups(children and the elderly) and residential satisfaction of high living. Major findings of this paper indicate that most residents are given little control over building height when purchasing or renting, but generally are satisfied with the current living floor. Residents can be clearly grouped in terms of which part of the building height they would choose to live in, but a substantial portion, about a quarter, of residents always prefers high living. Preference to the living height varies with residents' emphasis either on better environmental qualities of higher floors such as view,ventilation, and natural light or on easy access to ground and perceived safety of lower floors.