Title An Experimental Study on Shear Capacity of High Strength Lightweight Reinforced Concrete Beams
Authors 김진수 ; 박성무
Page pp.149-158
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This paper is an experimental study on shear capacity of the high strength lightweight reinforced concrete beams with shear span-depth ratio between 1.5 and 2.5. Thirteen T & rectangular beams were tested to determine their diagonal cracking and ultimate shear capacity. The major variables are shear span-depth ratio (a/d=1.5, 2.0, 2.5), concrete compressive strength (f'c=210,240,270kg/cm2) and tensile steel ratio(p=0.6, 1.2%). Based on results obtained from experiment of high strength lightweight reinforced concrete beams and normal concrete, the following conclusions were drawn. (1)The shear capacity of high-strength lightweight concrete is less 15% than that of normal concrete under same condition. (2)As the results of comparing this experimental datas with other various formulas, it is regarded that ACI 318-89 shear strength formula related tensile strength is proper to design formula of shear strength of high-strength lightweight reinforced concrete using lightweight concrete. (3)The present ACI318-89 design method was found to be too conservative in the case of shear span ratio is below 1.5.