Title A Study on the Strength of Stud Shear Connectors in T-shaped Composite Beams
Authors 박복만 ; 정구섭 ; 최승용 ; 김복순
Page pp.173-180
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This study summarizes the results of tests on 18 Two-slab push out specimens. The main purpose of the investigation was to evaluate the capacity and behavior of stud shear connectors embedded in the normal concrete(Fc=161-209kg/cm2). Two different diameters(pie6mm, pie13mm) of stud shear connectors welded on T-shaped steel were used for push out specimens. The following conclusions were drawn from this study. 1.The shear strength(qu) of stud shear connectors embedded in concrete was influenced by the cross sectional area of the stud shear connector(As), concrete design strength(Fc) and elastic modulus of the concrete(Ec). The emperical function described the test results. qu=0.3As root FcFc 2.The maximum loads in this study were reached at slips varing from 1.5mm to 4.0mm. 3.The webs of T-shaped steels selded by the stud shear connectors were safe for Local Buckling under t>-d/2. Where t is the thickness of the webs, d, the diameter of stud shear connector.