Title The Application of Multi-Level Substructuring for the Effective Nonlinear Analysis of Coupled Wall Structures
Authors 김호수 ; 홍성목
Page pp.159-166
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This study presents the application of multi-level substructuring for the effective nonlinear analysis of coupled wall structures. Also, the transition elements with 8 or 12 d.o.f, 5-node plane stress elements and concrete nonlinear model are considered as the basic finite elements of substructuring. In particulat, the concept of localized nonlinearity is considered for the probable nonlinear zones of the structure, and the effective bottom-up and top-down process are presented through connectivity trees. The nonlinear analysis based on localized nonlinearity and multi-level substructuring, compared with the complete nonlinear analysis of the structure, gives the greater saving effects in computational efforts and cost.