Title An Analysis of Housing Life Cycle Patterns of Urban Families
Authors 김대년 ; 홍형옥
Page pp.45-58
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The purposes of this study are to classify the patterns of housing life cycle of urban families and to clarify the characteristics of each pattern and to estimate the ratios of probabilistic choice of these patterns. Longitudinal data through interview were collected about family residential experiences from the housewives dwelling in Seoul. The statistics used were analysis of variance, multinomial logit analysis, and conditional logit analysis. The ratios of probabilistic choice were estimated by maximum likelihood method.The results are as follows;. The changing styles of housing life cycle stages are diverse. Housing life cycle patterns are classified into four, namely, ascendig pattern, no-changing pattern, small-changing ratio of probabilistic choice of ascending pattern is higher than that of others. Other patterns could be estimated by the variables, but the power of estimating is not stronger than that of ascending pattern.