Title A study on the Process of Occurrence of Problems Concerning Facilities and Environments in the University Campus
Authors 유창균 ; 조용준
Page pp.67-78
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The results of examination and analysis of the process of occurence of problems concerning facilities and environments on the object of 11 university campuses in Honam Region are as follows;1.In the frequency of occurrence, collectively, problems concerning support facilities(18.2%) were most frequent, facility plan(12.2%), education and research facilities(11.6%) in order, and the ggeneral tendency of it, universities which were small-sized mostly occurred problems concerning location, education and research facilities, support facilities of a lot, and the universities which enlarged their scale mostly occurred problems concerning support facilities,formulate a facility plan and construction of exterior-space.2.In the stage of occurrence of problems of concerning facilities and environments by the frequency of a period and scale, the first-stage has mostly occurred problems concerning the security of the location and education and research facilities for forming campus frame with the opening a school, and the second-stage has mostly occurred problems concerning expanding education and research facilities and support facilities, specilly, library, students hall, and construction of exterior-space, rest facilities on the expanding the facility, and the third-stage has mostly occurred problems concerning appropriative facility layout and function scatterring of the core-facilities, expanding education and research facilities, formulate a facility plan, construction of exterior-space with high-density, security of the location for the quantitative and qualitative growth.