Title A Chronological Study on the U.K Building Classification Systems since C1/SfB
Authors 윤춘섭
Page pp.79-88
ISSN 12251674
Abstract CI/SfB has long been regarded as an omnipotent building classification system. It has been an ideal model for new building classification systems since the late 1960s. However, it is being superseded by CAWS developed in 1987, and will be completely superseded by UCCI which is scheduled to be in practice by 1996.The Chronological review of the U.K. building classification systems shows the tract of the collapse of CI/SfB, suggesting that there is no one single everlasting classification system unless incessant effort of upkeep is not maintained.This paper describes U.K. building classification systems emerged since CI/SfB of 1968, emphasizing the drawbacks of CI/SfB which is now recongnized as the model system for a standard building classification system in Korea. In addition, a new direction is suggested for the first Korean standard building classification system in the process of development, and a through investigation over UCCI and ISO classification systems is stressed.