Title An Experimental Study on T-beams using Half Slab and Half PC beam
Authors 박칠림 ; 김문한
Page pp.137-144
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the structural performance of T-beam using Half Slab and Half PC Beam incomparison with that of monolithic slab-beam joint.From the test results, all specimens show similar structural characteristics, and bond deterioration at the face of cold joint between PC concrete and cast-in-place concrete did not occured. In case of specimen using Half Slab and Half PC Beam, failure occured from widening of slit between stub and Half Slab, and in case of monolithic joint failure caused from slit and diagonal creacks at critical section.Test results show that all specimen represent larger yieldmoment and maximun moment than theorectical value, and similar energy dissipation capacity, stiffness degradation. Structural members composed of Half Slab and Half PC Beam can ensure the equivalent structural performance as much as monolithic member.