Title Earthquake Resistant Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls with Different Boundary
Authors 전영주 ; 이동근 ; 이수곤
Page pp.137-146
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The popurce of this paper is to calculate the seismic resistance capacities of the lower stories of high rise shear-wall type apartment house. For the investigation 3 types of specimens were tested. All specimens have 1/2 reduced dimensions of actual shear-wall which can beformed in 15 story apartment house. From the test results, the change of strength, degradation of stiffness, and energy dissipation are evaluated, which make possible toassess inelastic behavior of reinforced concrete shear walls. To compare the seismic resistance capacities of the shear walls with different boundary details, displacement ductility and hysteretic energy ductility are introduced.