Title A Study on Strength of Shear Connectors in Composite Beams of Steel and Lightweight Conrete Slabs
Authors 주기수 ; 박성무
Page pp.147-154
ISSN 12251674
Abstract From the previous experimental test results, it has shown that shear strength in lightweight concrete beams was about 85% on that in normal concrete beams. t is speculated that shear connectors in composite beams of steel and lightweight concrete associated with the longitudinal shear strength decrease more in strength than those in normal concrete So this paper,as a study on strength of shear connectors in composite beams of steel and lightweight concrete slabs, has a purpose to compare the strength formula resulted from the push-out test of thirteen solid slab and four Deck Plate slab with the established ones, and then to suggest a proper strength formula of theshear connectors. The established strength formula of the shear connectors is prescribed for Pps=0.50 As. fc.ec by AISC code. But from the experimental test results the strength values of the shear connectors in lightweignt concrete slabs shows about 70% on those of the shear connectors in normal concrete slabs by AISC code. Therefore, as a strength formula this paper suggests to multiply the established strength formula by reduction factor( =0.7).