Title An Experimental Study on the Production of High Strength Ready Mixed Concrete
Authors 윤기원 ; 한천구 ; 최강순
Page pp.165-172
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This study is aimed for developing high strength concrete with 300~500kg/cm2 of compressive strength and analyzing the properties of concrete according to the mixing factor of water binder ratio (W/B) and target slump, replacement ratio of Fly-ash, superplasticizer kinds, and maximum size of coarse aggregates. By the test results of fresh concrete state, slump according to the mixing factor are decreased rapidly while time goes by, also, according to the replacement of Fly-ash, slump is decreased on less than 35~40% of W/B and is increased over. Slump according to the superplasticizer kinds have similiary values, and as the maximum size of coarse aggregates is lager, slump is higher than. By the test results of hardened concrete state, compressive strength according to the target slump and superplasticizer kinds each W/B is not influenced, compressive strength according to the replacement ratio of Fly-ash is inceased, and as the maximum size of coarse aggregates is smaller, compressive strength is higher than.