Title A Study on the Assisted Living Housing Design and the Regulations
Authors 김정근
Page pp.3-18
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Assisted living environments are established as a residential care environment designed to meet the needs of the frail elderly population. Concept of Assisted living design is to promoting the independence and interdependence of all its users; focusing on health maintenance and ensuring an optimum quality of life and stressing the intergration of the surrounding community. The purpose of this study is to present the problem which form the analysis of regulations and interpretations of regulations that interfere with the Assisted living design. The reason is large number and complexity of existing regulations and standards, It can be restricted design options and often cited as limiting the use of innovative physical design feature in Assisted living. Finaly, The following is presented to allow and encourage innovation in Assisted living as well as other residential facilities for order people;-The process for obtaining approval for new design could be simplified.-Relevant regulations and standards could be compiled in a clear and easy to use format.-The process should involve prior review of wavier requests by apanel of designer, architects, comsumer advocates.