Title Properties of Hollow Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
Authors 김흥열 ; 류택동 ; 서치호
Page pp.209-216
ISSN 12251674
Abstract In order to improve performance of the existiong Artificial Lightweight Aggregate, we developed the New Hollow Lightweight Aggregate which has good performance a point of view insulation and structual material.And then, the experiment has practiced the basic research for developing of the Hollow Lightweight Aggregate Concrete, and so, the conclusion as following that:(1) And then, it showed that the unit-weight of the concrete was 1.68~1.72t/m3, compressive strength 205~237kg/cm2, and the thermal conductivity 0.58~0.64kal/mh c. (2) To increasefine aggregate ratio, properties of the Hollow Lightweight Concrete may be apprear similarly to Expanded-clay Lightweight Aggregate Concrete in slump value, unit-weight, compressive strength and thermal conductivity. (3) To improve the concrete strength and performance of insulation excellently, the mixture was made when the unit-cement weight was 450kg/m3, W/C 45% the fine aggregate mixing rate was 40%.