Title A Study on the Popularity and Practicality of KDC(Korean Decimal Classification) with Particular Reference to Architecture
Authors 윤춘섭
Page pp.49-58
ISSN 12251674
Abstract KDC, Korean Decimal Classification, has been the standard bibliographic classification system of Korea since 1964. It was developed by the Korean Library Association and has shown the widest use in Korean scholastic society. However, it should not be construed that the KDC is excellent in its practical use, structure or detail in comparison with other popular general classification systems like DDC, UDC or LCC.KDC has many problems in practice, especially in its details of classification, which apply equally to the section of architecture and its peripheral area within KDC. This study relates to the architecture and its peripheral subjects of KDC. In particular, this study analyzed the practicality of KDC in view of architectural use. In doing this, surveys have been carried out to measure the relative propularity of KDC to other general classification systems. Investigations over every classified items are made to uncover problems inherent to the architecture section of KDC. Lastly suggestions are made to improve the architecture section of KDC.