Title A Study on the Structural Properties of Cold-Formed Tubular Members Subjected to Axial Force and Bending Moment
Authors 서정환 ; 서성연 ; 양영성 ; 김규석
Page pp.111-124
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This paper is an experimental and analytical report on the ultimate strength and plastic deformation capacity of cold-formed tubular memners subjected to axial force and bending moment.The principal parameters in this paper are slenderness ratios( =30,60,90), the rates of axial force (N/Ny=0.2, 0.4, 0.6) and loading conditions (monotonic and cyclic loadings).The ultimate strength of tubular members are evaluated by a numerical method in accordance with the bending moment-axial force(M-N) interaction curves.The behavior of each specimen is displayed in the form of moment-angle of member(M- ) relationship.The numerically obtained ultimate strength interaction curves of beam-columns show a reasonably good agreement with the available experimental results.