Title A Study on the Enhancement of the Korean Construction Supervision system
Authors 구재동 ; 조영준 ; 원승원 ; 김예상
Page pp.161-170
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The Korean Government has addopted a new construction supervision system for the public construction projects since January, 1994 to prevent the successive construction failures and to enhance the quality of construction. Under this new system, however,many unexpected problems have been arising, such as ambiguous scope of duties and responsibilities, which may result in theserious obstacles to the efficient process of construction work. Therefore, the objectives of this study are two-folded. The first is to analyze the actual problems related to the current construction supervision system on the construction site. The second is not only to develop strategies for overcoming those problems and improving the efficiency of the supervision work, but also to suggest directions for making the systems to meet the international standards coping with the coming construction market open.