Title An Experimental Study on the Making of Ultra Ready Mixed High Strength Concrete
Authors 한천구 ; 윤기원 ; 이정희 ; 반호용
Page pp.171-180
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This study is aimed for developing ultra high strength concrete with 600-800kg/cm2 of compressive strength and analyzing the properties of concrete according to the water binder ratio(W/B), weathering of cement kinds and maximum size of coarse aggregate, and replacement ratio of fly-ash and silica-fume. By the test results of fresh concrete state, the slumps are increased while freshiness of cement is better, maximum size of coarse aggregate is lager and solid volume percentage of grain shape decision is higher, and replacement of silica-fume is increased. For the test results of hardened concrete state, compressive strengths are increased while freshness of cement is better, maximum size of coarse aggregate is smaller. After all, compressive strength is specially influenced to surface textrue or shape above strength of aggregate, and the higher replacement of silica fume as additive admixture is.