Title A Study on the Housing space Norm of the Apartment Inhabitant in the Large City
Authors 이선옥 ; 박두용
Page pp.143-154
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The gap between the housing level which is the present accomplishment and the housing norm which is the future expectation appears the normal housing defect.This study carried out to investigate both the housing scale indicating the present housing level and the housing norm indicating the expectation and make a comparative study of variable. Among the inhabitant of the apartment, the object of this study focussed the enlarged period household where the eldest child is the high school student.The average that all the respondent want is 29.86 Pyung, and the number of rooms that they want is 3 to 4.The higher income group prefer the apartment. Also, the present housing scale and the housing norm get bigger and bigger in proportion to the income.When the standard of education gets high, the sequence of housing they prefer is as follows; detached house, apartment, detached house. At the same time the present housing scale and housing norm become large.The variables that admit significance among the variables of the housing level are total household income and education level of household head. The influencing power is given is Analysis of Variance (4-1). The following is; education level of household head > number of housing movement > age of the head of a family > number of family > income. The variable that admit significance among the variables of the housing norm are the present housing scale, the income, and education level of household head. And the influencing power is given in Analysis ofvariance(4-3). The Following is; present housing scale > education level of household head > the age of the head of a family > number of housing movement > number of a family.