Title An Experimental Study on the Sound Insulation Characteristics of Masonry Walls
Authors 김선우 ; 이태강 ; 국찬 ; 문장수
Page pp.155-168
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Recently, sound insulation performance has been regarded as one of the most important factors in determining the quality of residental environment. Most of partition walls in Korea are cement blocks or cement brick walls, finished with mortar of gypsum board. This wet construction system have many probelems which are insufficient brick mason and delay of term of work. So it should be replaced by light weighted partition walls as ALC walls for masonry walls.So this study is carried out to investigate the characteristicsof masonry walls and ALC walls for a variety of thickness and finishing materials. To examine characteristics of the sound insulation performance, 19 types of masonry walls were selected and tested in accordance with KS F 2808 at reverberation chambers of Chonnam National University.The sound insulation performane of cement block walls(190mm) are graded with D-45~D-55 which are to be eavaluated very favorable grade, cement brick walls(1B, 0.5B) with D-40~D-50 favorable grade except wood stud, and ALC walls(125mm, 150mm, 200mm) are graded with D-30~D-45.