Title An Experimental Study on the Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient of Human Body Seated in a Floor Heated Space
Authors 최영식
Page pp.169-178
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The objective of this paper is to identify the convective heat transfer coefficient of the person seated on the floor under operation of floor heating system. Experiments were conducted during winter serasons, by exposing subjects to thefollowing conditions : combinations of air temperature 20 C, 22.5 Cand 25 C, and floor temperature 20 C,22.5 C 25 C, 27.5 C, 30 C, 32.5 C, 35 C, 37.5 C and 40 C under still air. Convective heat transfer coefficient of the human body in a floor heated space was estimated based on the measurement of sensible heat flow rate.