Title The Evalation of the Sound Insulation Performance for Windows in the Field and the Laboratory
Authors 김하근 ; 손장열 ; 김흥식
Page pp.179-188
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This paper is aimed to compare the sound insulation performance of windows in the field with that of windows in the laboratory. The sound transmission losses were measured in the laboratory and the one story model house having similar conditions in the field. The class of sound transmission corresponding to each evaluation method specified in different countries was examined and resultsbetween the laboratory measurement and the model house measurement were compared.For sound transmission, the values of STC based on ASTM mehtod were 15~19, 27~34, 34~37 in single, double and triple windows respectively while the values of Ts based on the JIS method were 14~19, 25~31, 31~34 for each case. The mean values of STC were higher than those of Ts by 1~3. The difference between the results of the laboratory and those of the field was whitin 2 by STC or Ts evaluation index in windows of 86~90%.