Title Evaluating Insulation Performance of Building Wall by Site Measurement
Authors 김봉주 ; 손장열
Page pp.137-144
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Insulation performance of building wall is affected by the surrounding conditions, such as air temperature and humidity. Therefore, in identifying the actual wall insulation performances, on-site measurements under real weather conditions will afford the most accurate results. In this study, insulation performance of a conventional cement block wall and an ALC (Autoclaved Lightweight Concrete) wall were comparatively measured in the field. The results can be summarized as follows:The heat transmission coefficients of the two type walls were measured almost twice of the theoretically calculated value. One notable phenomenon for both wall was that the heat transmission coefficient of the south wall was about 0.1-0.2kcal/m2h C higher than that of north wall, even though they consisted of the same materials. This reasonmight be due to the different moisture contents and migration in the walls, which might be affected by different temperature profiles for different orientation.