Title A Study on Stress Analysis of Cantilevered Cylindrical Shells under Prescribed Displacement
Authors 최현식
Page pp.175-182
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The elastic failures of the cantilevered cylindrical shells are largely determined by the state of the primary stresses and deformation, which is dependent upon many factors including geometric parameters, as well as the rigidity of elastic support. For this reason the analysis is called for so as to exactly analyze the linear behaviors including the effect of the rigidity of elastic support.In this paper the complete solution of the cantilevered cylindrical shells under the prescribed top displacement is derived to examine the linear behaviors and a computer program for the solution is developed. The results are compared with the data obtained by another numerical method. The numerical results show that the membrance stresses can be evaluated by the beam theory incorporated shear deformation effect and the bending stress which are occuring at the fixed end should be considered as a very important design factor. The numerical results for the analytical solution show a good agreement with the previous data. The linear behaviors and the effect of elastic support are discussed through the numerical examples.